Meet the Organizer

I know what it feels like to live in disarray because my parents were both in the Army and renovated every house we lived in. I’ve moved over 30 times and endured twice as many renovations. There were always boxes, tools and interior design materials everywhere and it stressed me out! On top of that I have 6 siblings, all of whom were just as active in sports and other educational and social groups as myself. At any given time, our blended families were literally pulled in 11 different directions which was quite chaotic!

Through that and a 14 year career producing international corporate events, I learned the importance of being organized so that both everyday life and major life changes are enjoyable and easy. I’m constantly applying proven organizational techniques to my own life and can’t wait to help you implement them in your spaces too.

Now, everything in my life revolves around simplicity and enjoyment. I am married to a very supportive husband who shares the same work-life balance mindset and therefore we enjoy camping, boating, beaching, hiking, exercising, and listening to music basically whenever we want. Above all, we value experiences with family and friends over material objects and that helps us keep our home organization on track.

I am proud of where I live but even more proud that everything is easy to maintain because I have these simple processes in place. It’s realistic to think that if my realtor called me up at anytime and said, “I want to show your house today,” that I’d be ready in 10 minutes. That knowledge brings me so much peace of mind on a daily basis and allows me to be productive and efficient so I can enjoy lots of free time.

I love helping others achieve a similar feeling about their own spaces. Nothing makes me more excited than when someone asks for my help to get organized, move, declutter or decorate! I also get a great thrill when I’m able to repurpose spaces and upcycle items especially when my clients are emotionally attached to items or even on a budget.

Brittany Overstreet, Owner

Professional Organizer in Reidville SC